Saturday, March 17, 2007

Boring Weekends

well when u dont have anywhere to go then ur weekends become boring. At least that is what i think. but as the weather is getting nice i think it becomes very refreshing. well here are some puns and jokes which i enjoy to share with u all.

Where do watch makers go to unwind?

I used to make doughnuts, but I quit the hole business.

She was allergic to wheat but still ate bread. I guess she was a gluten for punishment.

The anesthesiologist’s wife was a knock out.

A pediatrician is a doctor with little patients.

The cow just gave birth. She was decalfinated.

What do you call a stupid cloud? A nimbus-cell!

This is from Puns and Jokes for Groan Ups by the late Saint Louis University meteorology professor, Dr. James Moore

1 comment:

Jason said...

I see you've started your own blog. Here's another pun for you.

The parsley farmer couldn't pay his child support, so the courts garnished his wages.